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Claims Questions

What losses are covered?

The simple answer is – whatever your insurance policy says is covered. Insurance policies are complex contracts that define what is covered, under what conditions, and to what extent. Generally, loss coverage answers are quite clear, but sometimes the exact circumstances make it hard to tell. Those most expert about this are the claims adjusters for the insurer that wrote the contract. We are happy to help you understand your policy but we may not always be sure about the coverage for a particular loss without involving the insurer.

I have had an accident or suffered another type of loss – should I report it?

Generally, insurance is intended to help you handle losses serious enough that you couldn't absorb them without financial hardship. If the expected cost of the loss is within, or not much more than, your deductible amount, you may choose not to submit a claim. Many insurers consider your loss history when deciding whether to write or renew your policy, and at what price.

For auto insurance, it is essential to notify your insurer any time there is an accident involving others, an accident with any injuries or damage to the property of others, or any accident where the police responded. This is true whether or not you feel you caused the loss. It is better that they hear from you first. The insurer will determine whether there is coverage and a payable loss under the terms of the policy.

How do I report a loss?

Most insurers prefer that you report losses directly to them and provide toll-free numbers for doing so. The claims numbers for our insurers are:

Some carriers also allow claims reporting through their web sites. If you are unsure about how to make a claim, contact us at 800.328.8797 extension 6978, and we will help you.

No Credit
Union Guarantee
May Lose
Independent Insurance Agent Logo
DCU Insurance (DCU Financial Insurance Services, LLC) is an affiliate of Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU). Business conducted with DCU Insurance is separate and distinct from any business conducted with the credit union.

Remember that any insurance required as a condition of the extension of credit by DCU need not be purchased from DCU Insurance but may, without affecting the approval of the application for credit, be purchased from an agent or insurance company of the member's choice.

Insurance products are not deposits of DCU and are not protected by the NCUA. They are not an obligation of or guaranteed by the credit union and may be subject to risk.

If you have any concerns or complaints regarding this relationship, you may contact the MA Office of Consumer Affairs, or the insurance department of your state. For information on how to contact them, you may call us.